Tuesday, May 20, 2008

LOTF:final papper

I crashed into the ike box and the Fresh start class one day because I was waiting for my lunch off campus with ciggeretts and a knife. I wouldnt have been expelled but i mouthed off to the cop and lied a lot. So after about a month they finally expelled me. and then poof im here at the ike. :). Back at McNary there were a few people who always were there for me or always stuck up for me and one of the biggest one's was Jocee Freeman. She was there for me when I almost killed someone for saying something about my father, she was there for me when I always needed her and for that I love her. Another person is Kayla she showed me around the school and made sure I knew were to go and who to go to if someone wanted to harm me. Now at the ike box im by myself and its kinda cool but kinda scary at the same time but I like it. Looking at myself I realize iv overcome Depression, pain, and the feeling of being lost. But now I ave new friends and a new place to call school. And after all of this is done I can go back to my I'd school and i think i jut might but then again I think I will just go for a GED. Witch is a new choice for me if i said that to myself about a month ago i would have slapped my self silly. Ok so now after this school year I don't know what I'm going to do. I can't handle the regular school hours and rules so I might just stay at Barbra Roberts or go for a GED. and as for a job I'm going to apply at Hot Topic and at Safeway. Witch are both good jobs and great experience.

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