Wednesday, March 26, 2008


painting grafiti on a public building - This would not hurt anyone in a physical way. It might hurt their feeling but nothing else

leaving litter in the countryside - This might kill some animals but it cant hurt us now. Maybe sometime int he future it might turn into a big monster and go rawr! i eat you all! but for now were safe :)

damaging seats on buses - This couldnt really hurt to bad it might make your butt sore but nothing serius.

damaging a phone box - This could go poke poke and make you deaf!!! man im board here...
This could make your ears hurt and sore but nothing to serius again.

Putting dish soap into a fountain - This could be dangerous. if a bird or other small animal goes to drink the water they could get poisoned and go die in front of kids and scar them for life. Although thatd be cool >:).

breaking a park bench - This could be dangerous as well. someone goes to sit down and they dont see it they could have a stick up their butt.

breaking glass in a bus shelter - You could be makeing people sick or sick people even sicker and maybe killing them O.0

breaking street lighting - People in ars could not see a kid or a dog ont he street and BAAM! by by puppy or bye bye joey!

setting fire to a school - Hehe it depends if theres no one inside it's still dangerous but i bet it'd be fun :).

Throwing stones onto a railway line - you could Derail a train! o.O O NOES!!!! Baam into your house. Or Booooooom!!!! Kabooom!!! Bang!!! No more train it went boom.

throwing eggs at cars and homes - You could make a driver unable to see and cause a big crash or scare someone and make them have a heart attack!

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