Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Lord of the flies

Ryan and I talked about this.What i got out of the talk and what I said to Ryan was what if this creature, or person, the Lord...It could be Ralph or Jack or the spirit of the island itself. Or it could be his imagination. After all they have been on the island for a long time now and no one can really be sure.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Indangered Habitats

Yes it is a big deal that these habitats are disappearing. Without some of these habitats we wouldn't have some plants or trees. For example if there native to only one place. If we don't have a enough species of tree's some may not be able to grow were another could and we would soon have an oxygen crisis.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


My most fearfull moment was when I was six years old. I woke up really early and I tried to make my dad stay home from work that day cuz i knew something bad was going to happen I just had a weird feeling that something was going to happen. And unfourtunently it did. That day my father died in a car crash. After that i didnt know what was going to happen and that was my scaryiest moment.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Status report on the midgets on the island.

Piggy - I think this lil dude's going to get killed. it's not nice to say but I think he is because no one on the island likes him and thy have already injured on of there own.

Ralph - I think he is going to be overrun by jack and his hunters.

Jack - I think he is going to over throw ralph with his hunters and ruin any chance at al of them being found.

Simon - Is probly going to be the only one to make it off the island.

The little ones - Are probly going to die from diseace or starvation.

The beast - will help simon get off the island.

Monday, April 21, 2008

The benefits of trees

One benefit of trees is Oxygen. Trees take the carbon dioxide and makes it into oxygen. Trees also can be amde into things such as paper, pencils, and glue. They also give many many job opertunitys.

Monday, April 14, 2008

gun control

In my opinion i think the laws should not change. We are always alowed to have guns because of the seccond amendment. So law officals have to be carefull with laws they make.

Friday, April 11, 2008

The seperation

Jack got jelous of Ralph being leader of the people and he thought he should have been cheif but others saw differntly and so they voted ralph the cheif. jack got EXTREAMELY jelous, man, and confused. They could live together if they just got over themselfs. Or build homes on oppisit sides of the island.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


The boys are the beasts to the island. They killed a pig and starting destroying the island. To anything native to the island the boys are the monsters. Witch is sad, because we do things like this daily. We destroy forests and natural habitats.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Do you find value in being alone sometimes? Why or why not? Is it important to be by yourself or is there no real value in it?

Yes i find value in being alone so that I can think about things and people I know. And yes it is important to be by yourself sometimes and im sure others find value in it aswell as me. It's a time when you can just think. And no one has to now what you think or did in that time.